之前就答應他們 得獎的有彎彎 難道是彎彎效應發作了!!
一張也要52大洋 光這六張就花了300大洋 哇~~
得獎人的人還有......... Let's Go Reader 一本
這群孩子還好沒讓我丟臉 表現都很傑出
公佈成績前 擔心到 做惡夢
模擬考那幾個都給我考7.80分 擔心的要命 也都給我考90分以上
還好之前 抓幾個免費加班複習 都有拉上來
19個 只有一個不到90 明天去上課 好好&
hello, dear Lindy
回覆刪除My name is Angela. i am your student at No.239
our Demo on Jun 18.
i am so very nervous
and i also same feeling that 道具,排演,遊戲 so on.,
but you always got happy and get together with children.
Being a English teacher is great...... ^^~
H1 Angela,
回覆刪除How is your demo and lesson plan going? Don't be nervous.
Remember~~ Practice makes perfect!
Go! Go! Go!